Monday, January 16, 2006

things that annoy me

1. restuarant personnel singing their company's "outrageous" birthday song for patrons. i always feel guilty when i don't chime in.

2. "pre-game" shows for any type of arts award show (acamedy, grammy, emmy, etc.). case-in-point: the golden globe awards pre-show is on right now. what does it matter, and how is it beneficial, that we know what these other human beings are wearing?!? really, this is a waste of human life and resource. i'll read the standings in the morning and use my free time to do something useful.

please, please feel free to add your own.


AlexPope said...

i hear ya on the restaurant birthday tune. some of them are just plain embarrassing. and i think the academy awards "pre-game" can just go with out comment.

however, i have a couple of my they are.

1. Why do car owner's feel the need to hang their "air freshner" on the rear view mirror? Is this to fully achieve the freshner's maximum freshness output? I think the car freshner tree is the ugliest in the world, and why anyone would want to display their's to the world is beyond my comprehension.

james said...

kp: i hear you on the preshow thing. There are too many people starving in the world for all the pre-show hooplah. I've always said that if someday through filmmaking I attend an awards ceremony, i will wear jeans and a tuxedo t-shirt. Or at least something i don't have to pay for.

Alex: totally understand the hanging of the car freshner thing on the rear-view mirror. That's why i always keep a pair of brooke's underwear hanging off the rear view mirror instead. Classy!

kidpositive said...

that was uncalled for...

AlexPope said...

haha....that was uncalled for.

i had a few others that i was going to list (hence the numbering), but i only had time for one...