Wednesday, March 08, 2006

blog maps

i've been playing around with the Google Maps API lately, and created a blogmap showing the locations of blogs and friends i'm connected to. the list isn't complete, so don't get offended if you're not on there. however, since i pretty much know who reads this blog, i don't foresee that happening. if you want anything or anyone added, just let me know and i'll be happy to. also, be sure to check out how accurate the locations are. you might be surprised...


Jonathan said...

What about Chuck Norris?

kidpositive said...

i tried to put churck norris on that map, but it just shut down everytime. and i started to notice pain on the side of my neck, like i had been attacked by a phantom roundhouse kick. weird...

Jonathan said...

Super weird. Can you say "big brother"?

kidpositive said...

i see you noticed my attention to detail.